Saturday, August 15, 2009



Even an occasional light rain didn't chase away a much larger than expected audience at the first Mackinac Bands powwow held in Rogers City in the lower peninsula of Michigan. "Video Clip"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mackinac Bands Below the Bridge Pow Wow

Rogers City Mi. - August 8th - Saturday @ 1 P.M.
Admission to the Pow Wow is free.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Powwow to be part of Nautical City Festival

6/30/2009 11:43:34 AM
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by Richard Lamb-- Advance Editor

A first-ever kind of event is planned for this year’s Nautical City Festival August 8 in Rogers City. The Mackinac Bands of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians are teaming up with the Presque Isle County Historical Museum to put on the first full-blown powwow to ever be held in northeastern Michigan. Mark Thompson, curator of the museum, said the museum is accustomed to dealing with old traditions, but this takes it to an entirely different level. The original ship Welcome, which will be represented at the festival by way of a replica, was built two years before the Declaration of Independence, but American Indian traditions predate that.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Northern Great Lakes Indian Pow Wow

Rogers City Mi.
August 8th
Saturday @ 1 P.M.
Admission to the
Pow Wow is free.

The museum and the Mackinac Bands of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians are proud to present the first full Pow Wow to be held in Northeast Michigan, celebrating the thousands of years that the northern Lake Huron shoreline was home to bands of Native Americans. The Pow Wow will be held on the Lake Huron shore in Lakeside Park. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and join Indians from throughout Michigan and the Province of Ontario for an afternoon of drumming, dancing, singing, and storytelling.

The Pow Wow will begin at 1 p.m. with the arrival by canoe of a company of voyageurs.